New Releases for The Arcade and The Neighbourhood!

Yes, it’s that time again!

The Arcade starts again in less than one day, and I’ve put together a collection of my wildlife sketches for you to pick/choose from or to collect! The series features two groups; the ‘Big Five’ African animals, and some well known majestic animals from the Rocky Mountains!


Each piece is 1 LI each and suitable for hanging in any home or office. They are offered transfer-only, but as usual, I recommend that you exchange your transfer-only item for a mod/copy edition. The usual exchanger instructions also apply to these items; please exchange them in the same area as the avatars. These items are L$50 per play and you’ll have an equal chance at winning any one of them. Visit The Arcade starting June 1 here!

Additionally, a new item is now available for The Neighbourhood at the introductory price of L$200 for the duration of this weekend:


This furniture set features three items; a sideboard, mirror and Asian-style dragon sculpture. All are original mesh & textures, optimized for use with Materials-capable viewers, but of course also usable with any viewer which is mesh-capable. Items range from 1-3LI each, for a total of 7LI altogether.  This item is mod/copy/no transfer, and can be picked up now at the Organica Main Store.