New Plants and Landscaping items this week!

Cliffs-Shoreline-vendorAfter much anticipation, the Cliff Shoreline pack (formerly known as Shoreline rocks) is now available!  Four pieces are included and pieces are 2-3LI each at packaged size (5m deep by 12m wide by 12m tall). Mod, copy, no transfer. Mesh product, with some materials optimization. Available in-store here and on the Marketplace now!


Includes three island shapes and three related texture varieties. Great for creating overhangs at ground level or to freshen up your sky platform! 5-10 LI at packaged size. Mod, copy, transfer. Mesh product, with some materials optimization. Available in-store here and on the Marketplace now!





This vibrant, large leafed plant is an excellent specimen for use in many garden settings. Great for a tropical display, in a greenhouse, or even just in a pot out on your patio! Comes in five different textures, both individually and as a fatpack! Available in-store here and on the Marketplace now!

New Coleus plants + Rock walls now available

Brighten up your garden with these brilliant coleus plants!  Each one is 3LI with or without the pot, and sports vibrant hand-drawn foliage with realistic lighting and detailing. Ten varieties are available either individually or as a fatpack. Mod/copy/no transfer. Requires mesh capable viewer. ( Buy in Store ) ( Buy on Marketplace )


These rock walls have been requested somewhat regularly since i first started using them at Home Expo. While I wasn’t ready to offer them then, I’ve finished up the things I wanted to do with them and now make them available for you.

To use: Simply rez and move up against areas where you’d like a rock wall. Do note: these items do not have backsides in order to cut down on LI and reduce viewer resource use. To give these items a backside, consider duplicating and facing the other way, using other prims or backing these items up against terrain.

Available mod/copy/no transfer. Requires mesh capable viewer. ( Buy in store ) ( Buy on Marketplace )