Fox Tiny Avatar update! (1.01)


The fox avatar was updated today to cover a fix in the HUD for a pupil dilation issue.

If you have already purchased one of the fox avatar tinies, please check the following steps to ensure you have the most up to date version:

– If you already locked in your avatar to mod/copy status, please TP to the Wilds of Organica main store and rez the Update Checker for your avatar anywhere. Wait a few moments while the updater checks for a new version – it should be delivered shortly.

– If you have NOT locked in your avatar to mod/copy status but would like to lock it in anyway, you can get the updated avatar by following the exchanger instructions included in your product notecard.

– If you have NOT locked in your avatar to mod/copy status and you do not wish to do so just yet, please IM Aki Shichiroji and send a folder containing all parts which were included in your avatar package. I will send you a fresh, updated package as soon as I am able.

As of today, all vendors should be dispensing updated versions of the avatars. However, there is no way for me to automatically update any remaining transferrable packages which are in inventory or out for sale at yard sales. To diagnose whether a given transferrable package is updated or not, please check the description field for ‘12272013’, which is the date of this update.