2 days left on Four Walls Hunt + 2 Spring releases!

As discussed in a previous post, there are two more days left on Four Walls Hunt Round 2 – be sure to pop by before the end of the month in order to get a great deal on the Lore’s Den prefab!

While you’re here, be sure to check out two new releases, as detailed below:
The next instalment in spring flowers from Organica are these dainty but detailed mesh flowers! At 1 LI per piece, there are three shapes included to provide variety. Rez in your garden on their own or as complimentary units alongside the fields of lily-of-the-valley. Mod, copy, no transfer. Available in-world and on the Marketplace.


These new mesh cherry trees are stunning additions to any outdoor area; included are four different foliage options, plus a particle emitting version and a version for foliage change. Available in-world and on the Marketplace.

A Whiter Shade of Pale


This post is a bit late, but I should let you all know that Spruce Up Your Space is holding its last month this weekend and for its theme, ‘A Whiter Shade of Pale’, I’m offering the above artwork. It’s mesh, mod/copy, and 1LI at packaged size. Pick it up this weekend (IE: today and tomorrow) for only L$150 and be sure to check out the other SUYS shops’ offerings too! There are quite some excellent offerings this month.

Poinsettia Day!

It’s Poinsettia Day!

To help celebrate the festive season, these new mesh poinsettias are now available – and for one day only, 50% off! Each package contains two versions – one with and one without a pot. All copies are mod, copy and are 3LI.

Pop by the main store in Organica to see them in person, or check them out on Marketplace!

T’is the Season! + some land notes

This release welcomes the winter holidays back with a few new additions and the return of some seasonal exclusives; read on to learn more!

Available seperately or together as a fatpack, this product is mod/copy, so it’s easy to stretch and squish to fit your build. Just adjust the texture repeat to fit proportionately. Each pack comes with five garland shapes and a double-ribboned red bow. Check them out in-store or on the Marketplace at your convenience!

These sculptie ornaments have historically only been available in-store at Organica during the holiday season. While they have returned to the shop this year, they’re also permanently available on the Marketplace. Each pack includes 8 coloured ornaments, mod/copy. They are 1 LI each and beautifully detailed with hand-painted textures and baked lighting. Mod, copy, transfer, requires SL 1.21 or newer for viewing. Available in-store or on the Marketplace.

These Alpine trees are perfect for your temperate or boreal-themed area! This pack includes both evergreen and winter foliage, scripted and unscripted. Standing 17m tall, these trees are a low 8LI at packaged size. Available in-store or on the Marketplace.

Some housekeeping notes about Organica:

– Oak 6 has been retired from display on the grounds. A vendor is still available but you’ll need to send me an IM to check out Oak 6 if you need to see it ‘in the round’.

– Winter has hit the main store area, and I’ve updated the dirt road pack with an appropriate winter texture. Those of you who purchased this pack already will have received an update earlier today. If you accidentally declined or didn’t receive the update, please contact me directly for redelivery.


Land News:

As of this writing, four parcels are now available for residential use located on Sylvan, which is adjacent from Organica sim. Parcel sizes range from 960sqm to 1920sqm, with prim allocation ranging from 383 – 768. All visitors to Sylvan have access to a small sandbox (3h auto-return) and direct access to region infrastructure. Rent costs L$1.8/prim/week.  Check out available land here:


New flowers & Halloween release

As we draw closer to Halloween, there’s one more themed release for your interest, along with some new ground-cover!

Newest in a line of suspiciously characteristic trees comes Ol’ Creepy Tree #4. This highly detailed new tree features both hand-painted textures and baked lighting. It also comes in two parts (the main tree and the roots) linked together, so you can adjust the two parts to fit your land easier. 15 LI as packaged, mod, copy, no transfer. Available in store or on the Marketplace here.

These new flowers are sure to freshen up your garden! Available in 8 varieties, both separate and as a fatpack, they are mesh and come with 4 shapes to fit various terrain. An option wind movement script is also included – just drop it in to the object and remove if you wish – it will set texture animation parameters (which doesn’t require an active script to run once it’s all set up). 1 LI as packaged, mod, copy, no transfer. Available in-store or on the Marketplace.






Cheshire Cats hit Wilds of Organica for Halloween!

Yeah, it’s been about a week since the initial wave of kittens showed up, but given the impending festive costume season, I figured I’d put these out rather than wait for some new year 😉

So again, these are mesh kitten avatars that come with customizable eyes (with control HUD), whiskers, and tail.

Just as a heads-up: these are full-bright but they’re pretty dark to begin with. Play around with that full-bright checkbox to see what you prefer. Some interesting effects can also be found by making the avatar transparent.

These avatars can be picked up in-store and now on the Marketplace!

Let the cuteness commence; Five reasons to drop by this week!

The first set of kittens from Wilds of Organica are now available! They are mesh-based tinies that are rigged to automatically fit your avatar and animations.

This round features a variety of tabby furs; more furry looks are on their way.

Each avatar includes mesh avatar body, tail, whiskers and customizable eyes with HUD.

For full details about these new avatars, check out the WoO Kitten info page, which includes info about operation, customization, FAQ & EULA.

Much thanks to moo Money , KTSyakumi (testing) and Neobokrug Elytis (scripting) for their help on this project!

Drop on by the main shop today to check them out!





New Halloween & terrain items released!


The first halloween release this year from Organica comes in the form of three new pumpkins, all available as part of Pumpkin pack 1! These highly detailed pumpkins are sure to be a welcome addition to any festive halloween display! Each is 1 LI at packaged size and is mod, copy, no copy. Available in-store or on the Marketplace!

Some of you have been asking about some of the newer assets that have been used in Organica sim lately; namely the dirt roads as well as the waterside erosion pieces.

These two packs include four shapes to mix & match and place up against the edge of your land, typically between water and land but also usable as wall pieces if you wish. Each piece is 1 LI at packaged size and all are mod, copy, no transfer. Replace upper texture with your preferred terrain texture if necessary. Available in-store or on the Marketplace (rock) (sand)!


This dirt road package includes 13 tile shapes in total to best accommodate your terrain shape. Pieces range from 1-7 LI at packaged size and all are mod, copy, no transfer. Available in-store or on the Marketplace!

Two new hunts, Two new field items!

September brings a couple of hunts to Organica for the earlier part of the month; check out Summer Harvest Hunt and Four Walls Hunt for full details of the events!

For Summer Harvest Hunt, these new barley stooks are excellent for your farm! 2 LI each at packaged size, mod/copy/no transfer. L$0 for the duration of Summer Harvest Hunt (Sept 1-21 2012)

For Four Walls, these new work lights are great for garages, warehouses, or anywhere you would like to add an utilitarian feel to your environment! They are lightly scripted for simple on/off light function and the package includes lights both shaded and unshaded, in three lengths. These range from 1-2 LI at packaged size and they are mod/copy/no transfer, with light scripts copy only. Valued at $300L, these are available for L$10 for the duration of Four Walls Hunt (Sept 1-15 2012)

Additionally, the autumn season has prompted me to put together a couple of new field crops!

These new grains are the perfect update for your farm themed fields! Taking advantage of mesh, these items continue to be low prim, but have the added bonus of allowing for scripted texture movement to simulate wind (without the viewer lag that comes with flexi prims). Requires mesh capable viewer, mod, copy, no transfer (scripts copy only). Available in-store or on the Marketplace.

Organica reopens today! New releases, newly renovated sim!

After a full week of downtime, Organica is again open to the public!

Things are still settling in, but hopefully the new design will provide a pleasing experience!

Most, if not all of the vendors have been moved to the new shop space (the barn)  but the main grounds will still have vendors scattered about for easy shopping while exploring the sim. The following new releases are also now available!

Some of you have been asking for single versions of the Alder trees; today your wish is my command! These new trees are thinner, younger trees with updated foliage. The package includes green, red and frosted foliage, both scripted and unscripted. Available mod/transfer and mod/copy, available in-store! Shall be updated to marketplace at the end of the month.

This detailed mesh greenhouse has a 24.5x17m footprint and features baked lighting, open door concept and beautiful window space. Great for your plants or for furnishing and other every-day use.  Available mod/copy, available in-store!  Shall be updated to marketplace at the end of the month.

This barn has a 64x32m footprint, is highly detailed and perfect for your farm! It comes in a rezzer and is great for storing farmyard items, breedables, and more! Available mod/copy, available in-store! Shall be updated to marketplace at the end of the month.

 This stable has a 20x24m footprint and is ideal for use on a farm for most breedables.  Mod/copy, available in store! Shall be updated to the Marketplace at the end of the month.

As these items are all mesh, please note you do need a mesh-capable viewer to view and use.

Come on by Organica to see all the updates and explore!

See you there!